Studds Accessories Ltd Unlisted Shares
Consumer Goods
About Company:
Studds Accessories started their journey in 1972 from manufacturing the first helmet, to today manufacturing 7 million helmets and luggage every year. The company has become the largest manufacturer of two-wheeler helmets in the world.
Company Overview
The company manufactures an extensive array of over 50 products and has headquarter in Faridabad. Today, the company has more than 26% market share in India offering products to more than 40 countries worldwide.
The company has made significant investments to develop a world-class R&D facility with an endeavor to improve the quality of the products.
Despite so many challenges in the market, Studds performed well and grew by 10.85%. Its operating EBIDTA grew by 41.6% and PAT grew by 81.05%.
Talking about the unlisted share, details of the company includes:- total available shares are 10 whose face value of Rs 5 per equity share, lot size is 25 shares, the current unlisted share price is Rs 1650 per equity share and the retail discount is 1% on the bulk deal.
Name Designation
Mr. Madhu Bhushan Khurana Chairman & Managing Director
Mr. Sidhartha Bhushan Khurana Managing Director
Mr. Shanker Dev Choudhry Independent Director
Ms. Pallavi Saluja Independent Director
Mr. Pankaj Duhan Independent Director
Mr. Manish Mehta Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Saurav Kumar Company Secretary
Shareholders Pattern
Category of shareholder No. of shares Holding (in %)
Promoter 1,53,56,160 78.04 Others 43.20,540 21.96 Total Outstanding shares 1,96,76,700 100
Annual Reports
Investing Opportunities
Through investing in the unlisted shares, the investors get an excellent opportunity of investment where they can buy shares at lower valuations and prices. If they enter the PRE-IPO level and the company offers professional money management through the buyof one mutual fund share.
Studds Accessories have been growing at a steady pace due to its growth in the automobile sector, increasing awareness of safety regulations for helmets, and rising disposable income.
The company is the world's largest two-wheelers manufacturing company that creates a safe riding experience for millions of customers by improving its products and venturing into new geographies. Thus, you could invest in the unlisted shares of the company.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.