Company Overview
INDIA CARBON LIMITED (ICL), India’s leading producer of Calcined Petroleum Coke, provides the right blend of people & products to serve the needs of the Aluminum, Steel, & other Carbon consuming industries.
India Carbon's primary business is the manufacture and supply of high quality Calcined Petroleum Coke (CPC) which is the purest form of Carbon, containing over 99.5% of it. Along with the Calcined Coke the Company also specializes in the production of Electrode Carbon Paste (ECP) and Tamping Paste used widely in the Ferro Alloys and Allied industries and also in the production of Carbide. Both the Electrode Carbon Paste as well as the Tamping Paste are produced from a mixture of different carbonaceous material (CPC, Calcined Anthracite Coal, etc.) and Soft Pitch which is used as a binder.
The primary raw material used by ICL for its operations is Raw Petroleum Coke, frequently referred to as RPC which is purchased from Oil refineries all over the world. RPC itself is produced from the thermal cracking of crude.
The primary customers for ICL are:
1. Aluminum industry – National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO), HINDALCO Industries Limited (HINDALCO), Bharat Aluminium Company Limited (BALCO) and Madras Aluminium Company Limited (MALCO).
2. Steel Industry – Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited (TISCO) and Essar Steel.
3. Graphite Industry- Graphite India Limited and Hindustan Electro Graphite Limited.
Name Designation
Mr. Rakesh Himatsingka Chairman & Managing Director
Mr. Shaurya Veer Himatsingka Deputy Managing Director & CEO
Mr. Tony William Grims Non -Executive Director (Non- Promoter)
Mr. Gordon Kenneth McIntosh Non -Executive Director (Non- Promoter)
Mr. Alvaro Emilio Martinez Non -Executive Director (Non- Promoter)
Mr. Mark R. Jones Non -Executive Director (Non- Promoter)
Mr. Sunirmal Talukdar Non-Executive and Independent Director
Mr. Hemant Kumar Khaitan Non-Executive and Independent Director
Mr. Manoj Mohanka Non-Executive and Independent Director
Mr. Soumendra Mohan Basu Non-Executive and Independent Director
Mrs. Susmita Ghose Non-Executive and Independent Director
Shareholders Pattern
Category of shareholder Holding (in %)
Promoter 24.56 Public 75.44 Total Outstanding 100
Annual Reports
Investing Opportunities
The Company is constantly undertaking activities with a view on Research & Development, thus enabling itself to maintain its position on the leading edge of technology. A unique combination of experience, technology & teamwork goes into every ton of Calcined petroleum coke that ICL ship's to meet the most demanding requirements.
Apart from the production of an industrial raw material such as CPC, in 1991 ICL's dynamic management team also led the Company into the field of floriculture through the establishment of orchid farms in Guwahati, Assam. The orchid flowers are currently being sold primarily in the cities of Bangalore, Mumbai, New Delhi and Kolkata, but the Company is looking ahead to new export possibilities.
CL is also one of the few Companies to go beyond the required norms for the betterment of the environment. Conservation of energy and water resources has forever been a key objective for the Company.
During the Financial Year ended 31.03.2021 company has achieved Net profit after tax of Rs 52,92,49,546 Compared to loss of Rs 36,46,30,889 for the year 31.03.2019
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.