Company Overview
GG automotive, a leading manufacturer of traction gears and pinions has been the market leader as within a few days of start, the company assumed the market leadership. The equity shares of GG automotive gears ltd. are listed on BSE Ltd. but the trading of shares has been suspended due to non-compliance. Unlisted Mitra is a good platform that provides a complete one-stop solution for research and investment. It provides you with the opportunity in the best recommended unlisted, delisted, and pre-IPO shares at an attractive valuation. Our team guides you in the best of the friendliest manner so that our investment ideas could help you. We offer investors to pool their money so that they could invest in a wide variety of investment vehicles and could enjoy money management. You could try investing in GGAG through Unlisted Mitra for better results.
Name Designation
Mr. Kennedy Gajra Managing Directors
Mr. Anmol Ram Gajra Whole Time Directors
Mr Shailendra Ajmera Non Executive Independent Director
Mr.Pravin kumar Shishodiya Non Executive Independent Director
Mrs Ruchi Sogani Non Executive Independent Director
Mr Narayan Shrivas Chief Financial Officer
Ms Divya Desai Company Secretary
Shareholders Pattern
Category of shareholder Holding (in %)
Promoter 30.7 Public 69.3 Total Outstanding 100
Annual Reports
Investing Opportunities
GGAG is a self-sufficient organization that is capable of developing and manufacturing gears, pinions, gearboxes, and forged automotive components. The experts of the company led them to diversify into the manufacturing of forgings through the integrated and newly installed unit. The company is a safe one and offers end-to-end solutions from the conceptualization of the product to its testing. The total available unlisted shares of GG automotive are 2000, its face value is Rs 10 per equity share, lot size is 500 shares and the current unlisted share price is Rs 42 per equity share. The company is already on the way to progress as it has obtained in-principle approval from BSE for the revocation of the company. Hence, it is a good company where you could invest to enjoy the benefits in future.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.