
Cochin International Airport Ltd
Airport company
About Company:
Cochin International Airport is the first greenfield airport in the country built with a public-private partnership. Planned and constructed from scratch, the airport has been acclaimed for setting a novel idea in infrastructure development.
Company Overview
Cochin International Airport is the first Greenfield airport in the country built with a public-private partnership. It's also the first airport in the world fully powered by solar energy.
Mr.V.J.Kurian IAS is the founder managing director of the company and the project itself is his brainchild.
The airport has three central terminals: Two domestic and one International. The balance sheet also is sound as the profit ratio exceeds 35%. The paid-up capital of the company is Rs.382.57 Cr with over 19,000 shareholders from 31 countries.
Over the years, the company accrued gross assets worth Rs. 2455.64 Cr. which includes three sprawling terminals having two million SFT of the area and offering state of the art passenger facilities, a convention centre, a golf course, and an aircraft maintenance hangar.
The company has been paying dividends from 2003-04 and with the year 2019-20, the total dividend pay-out has touched 282%.
Name Designation
Sri. V. J Kurian Managing Director Sri. Saji K. George Company Secretary
Sri. Sunil Chacko CFO (upto 28.02.2021)
Sri. Saji Daniel CFO (from 01.03.2021)
Sri. Pinarayi Vijayan Chairman (Non-Executive)
Dr. T.M. Thomas Issac Non-Executive Director
Adv. V.S. Sunilkumar Non-Executive Director
Sri. K.Roy Paul Independent Director (Non-Executive)
Smt. A.K Ramani Independent Director (Non-Executive)
Sri. M.A. Yusuffali Non-Executive Director
Sri. C.V.Jacob (deceased on 31.01.2021) Non-Executive Director
Sri. N.V. George Non-Executive Director
Sri. E.M. Babu Non-Executive Director
Sri. V.J.Kurian Managing Director
Shareholders Pattern
Category of shareholder No. of shares Holding (in %)
Promoters 12,42,77,199 32.48
Banks/ Financial Institutions 2,10,00,000 5.49
Central Government (PSUs) 3,81,93,829 9.98
State Government (PSUs) 66,28,442 1.73
Others 19,24,75,279 50.32
Total outstanding shares of the company 38,25,74,749 100
Annual Reports
Investing Opportunities
The company showcases a sustainable business model which always adheres to people, community, and culture
CIAL recorded a cumulative annual growth rate of nearly 20% in the initial 8 years and thereafter at 12% with annual passenger traffic touching 7.7 million in 2015-16.
Company’s Mission is to become a 3000 crore company by 2023 - with 20% Aero revenue; 30% non Aero revenue and 50% non aviation revenue.
The company’s Vision Statement is Changing lives through excellence in Aviation & beyond i.e Company strive to become a globally respected, growth focused institution with diversified interests in aviation, infrastructure and allied industries. We will be known for providing superior quality services to all our customers. Through our motivated and empowered employees; strong leadership; and transparent processes, we will continue to propel socio economic growth and work with societies to improve their living standards
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
What is the lock-in period of unlisted shares?If the company is unlisted, the shares can be traded as many times as per the will but once the company is listed, the shares can not sold for next 1 year.
What is the Minimum Ticket Size for Investment in Unlisted Shares?Depending on the lot size of the shares, there is no fixed ticket size to buy and sell unlisted shares.
Is buying or selling Unlisted Shares in India legal?Yes it is legal to buy and sell unlisted shares in India.
Does SEBI regulate Unlisted Market?Rules and Regulations of SEBI are applicable in the Unlisted Market but to become an unlisted share broker, there is no such regulation yet.